Sunday, August 14, 2011

Close to the end

Less than two weeks till I finish the challenge. I know I wasn't going to count but it's close to the end so did a count. I had a quick scan of the challenge board yesterday and I could see a lot of people hit the same road block in weeks 6/7 as I did. Their ticks stopped as they pulled out the challenge. A few people I know have gotten sick. This is normal, with the intensity of the challenge and the natural detoxing effect of the series it often comes on in flu/cold type symptoms. It's winter here too, sickness season. Others, like me, real life just caught up with them. At least they tried, they gave it a go, that can be commended. 

My outlook shifted dramatically last week. I went from angry to normal and chilled out in a day. I can't say I had a great revelation or anything, I just sucked it up and put up. 

I even did a double yesterday, Saturday. Madness I know. Even BYSB's director was a bit alarmed when I told him afterward. Everyone is worried we'll burn out before training. So I am. However I set some rules yesterday before I committed. If I had a good morning class and didn't kill myself but tried hard I'd do a double. If I came out the 9:30am feeling wacked and woozy I would not do the 2pm. I came out feeling good. I took a huge savasana, nearly ten minutes. I had nothing to do that day but concentrate on yoga so the conditions were all right. I'd had nine hours solid sleep, a good breakfast and a clear head.

We had a great posture clinic with our directors Mum who helped us with our verbatim. I delivered the whole of the standing series straight up from the top. One side, one set of each posture. Took about 25/30 minutes. JJ did a stellar effort of being a great body demo. I was a crap one, I feel bad, I kept falling and coming out early. JJ is only two behind, she'll be on Tree next week. Go team BJY!!

I had a full hour and a half before the next class. I headed down the Scarborough studio with my esky packed with snacks and water. Sat on the beach, took in some sea air and scanned my dialogue over. There are a few set ups I'm mixing up between the postures. Mainly the feet on the line or at the line bits. I'm tending to say the same 'feet together nicely toes and heels touching' through out. This is not a worry, at TT just before I go up to present I'll make sure I do a final check to make sure I get it right. The 'meat' of the posture is juicy and solid just the bread either side is a bit soggy in parts!

Second class went well. No one was on the front row, hardly anyone on the second. Everyone, including me were squished up on row 3/4. It was good practice for me to be aware of my neighbors being so close. 'You can touch your neighbor but no feeling!' 

The point of my double madness. I can take today, Sunday, off. I'm staying at home, resting, catching up on personal admin, getting some well deserved me time at home. I may not even get dressed today. The Man is cooking a roast for lunch and we'll kick back and do normal Sunday stuff without me having to dash off to yoga.

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