Sunday, September 4, 2011

Warming up

I've just rolled over the two week count down till I leave for LA. I really just want to get there now and get started. It won't be no holiday but as a travel hound I think a sea change/continent change is just what I need to freshen things up.

I had my last dialogue class yesterday with my director. First I ran through the reception desk procedure  and had a go checking students in and using the EFTPOS machine. Half an hour really does go quite fast. Anything I cock up can be sorted after after the class. As long as the names on the sheet match the names in the computer and the till balances we're good. There's a lot more to learn on my return, opening and closing procedure etc. 

Dialogue went well. We ran through a 'mock' warm up series. Both sides, two sets of each from the Half Moon without stopping. I was worried about the left side of Eagle getting mixed up lefts and rights but actually it flowed very well. Even though we are not worrying about timing I came in at 18 minutes. I've been told including pranayama the warm up is 25 minutes, on the floor by 53 minutes at the latest. I ran through cobra too. I'm really enjoying that one, you can get a lot of encouraging up lifting energy going.

Next week if I make one particular evening class there will be the opportunity to get up on the podium again. It's been well over a month since I've done that so I'm really eager to get another go in before I leave to combat those nerves!

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