Sunday, June 26, 2011

60 Day Challenge

To get in the zone for TT my studio Director and myself thought it was a good idea for me to do a 60 Challenge. My UK trip has pushed the starting date a little further back than I would have liked. I start tomorrow and finish three weeks exactly before I go to LA. Enough time to relax but still be in the zone. It was decided to run my challenge as a studio challenge. People have started early which is cool, others are starting tomorrow with me. Tomorrow is also my one year anniversary of when I took my first Bikram class. Who would have thought 1 year ago I would be heading to TT. It'll be nice to have support for this one. Usually people head out by themselves on 60 dayers. The 30 day challenge was so enjoyable as we had a team doing it together. 

I will take this opportunity to say I won't be alone at training either. I knew I wouldn't be alone with all the new, exciting people I'm meeting through social networking & my future roomie! But I have a training buddy coming from BYJ. 

We met yesterday for the first time and practiced next to each other. After class we had our first dialogue group session with our director. It was a bit nerve wracking but once I found my feet and my flow it felt great. I did miss out a whole paragraph in Awkward though whoops! Everyone would have been doing it with their arms at their sides. It was easier once the gals got up and demonstrated in front of me, I definitely didn't forget the arms when I could see what the bodies were doing. My homework for next week is to get all of Eagle down, I only had half & no way was I confident with it and also standing head to knee. We both did great and already our personal style & energy are showing through. 

Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue for the next 11 weeks!

60 Day Challenge Poster, I feel bad now as its with Kat & Jas, not just me!


  1. Good luck to you on your challenge!! I wish I could do one right now... Hope it serves you well on your road to training!

  2. yay! yay! yay! that is so awesome they are going to be challenging together! how cool. i meet today with my studio director and im so very very nervous.

    we will do great!

  3. Thanks guys! Day five already, flying by. Being super organised has been a challenge this week but once I get my routine in line again I'll be fine.
