Wednesday, June 1, 2011

UK here I come

Tomorrow morning in the wee hours I fly back to the UK for a super quick two week family visit. I've not been back for 18 months and not seen some people for over two years or more now. 

I am planning on getting some Bikram in whilst I'm there. It's HUGE in London, studios have popped up everywhere. However I no longer live there and will be staying about 350km north in Derbyshire. Fret not, there in Bikram in Manchester and Leicester both a leisurely 1 hour train journey away. I know this will probably take at least four whole hours out of my day but it'll be worth it. Plus those two hours on the train will be my designated dialogue study time.

I waved good bye to BYJ last night. I decided to mix up my practice and go after work for a change rather than the 5:45am. I needed the heat and humidity the extra bodies bring. The weekend classes always get the crowds and the temp so it's not like I've been cruising in the cool. Wow was it hot. The yoga bus ran me down about Fixed Firm. I did just lay there like a floppy rag doll. 

I could make excuses like I usually do but I was hydrated, well fed but that was over four hours so could have been a little low blood sugar. Standing series went well, I felt good, even got my head nearly on my knee last left side of SH2K. Then the floor killed me. I caught a glimpse of the thermometer at Spinal twist it read 43 degrees with 40% humidity. This was okay, the problem was the stale air. At no point was the fresh, clean air blasted in. It just got hotter and thicker. I felt like a bag was over my head. I didn't even want cold air con just some air movement so I wasn't breathing in a cloud. 

It wasn't just me, everyone was flagging. The group energy was so low, it wasn't a good vibe. I could barely drag myself up in the sit up. Camel was not happening. For the first time in my practice I was thought I might actually throw up, I was dry retching, I nearly bolted for the door. I have never left the room once, apart from to look after a sick student as no other staff were there. I took my own advice I'm always dolling out here, laid down, breathed and sucked it up (along with a lung full of hot cloud!) I made it and was a crumpled mess in the showers guzzling ice cold nuuns water after.

I'm figuring this is what TT will be like so I need to be ready. I need more of these challenging classes. I was knocked for six. I didn't even feel well enough to drive home so sat out in the cold air with a Powerade till it passed. I still didn't feel well this morning. I'm hoping training might have some air circulation even if it is mat melting hotness the dead, stale air was not pretty. 

Just to finish, I've not been able to reply to any comments as my comments reply box seems to be down. I'm not ignoring you all, I have things to say back but ol' blogger isn't letting me right now!!

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