Monday, January 23, 2012

Quitting Sugar

I've banging on about this for a while now but this year I will do this. I have done it before & I will do it again. I will quit sugar. Only because I felt great last time I gave up. My days weren't a battle of cravings, followed by the guilt of giving in & of course the side effects - bloating, slumps, more cravings. My muscles loved me for it, my yoga practice was so much stronger when I wasn't battling the energy slumps. 

It's scary where sugar is lurking. The obvious places, chocolates, lollies, fruit etc. is easy to pin point. Sugar is in nearly everything we eat that is pre packaged; sauces, bread, white pasta, honey. This is why I bought a Thermomix so I can make my own sauces, bread etc. from scratch, making it as clean as possible. Like everything I lapsed. I have caught myself dumping a ready made pasta sauce into Thermomix, instead of taking the time (about 1 minute) to whiz up fresh tomatoes from my garden. What!!!?!!!

I need help and I found it via Kat Eden who is turning out to be a constant source recently for nutrition advice. A link on the side if Kat's blog lead me to another Aussie Women Sarah Wilson and her book 'I Quit Sugar.' Within two seconds I'd paid my $15 via pay pal and the e book was mine. Laid out in an easy to follow, no jargon manner Sarah outlines why we need to quit the white stuff, in every form to start with. The eight week program walks the reader through each part step by step. I was even not very environmentally friendly by printing myself out a copy and bound it with a nice protective cover for quick access. (I don't have a Kindle)

This week might be a write off as ice cream is a major feature in my post teeth surgery diet but I've gone three days without chocolate, white rice & pasta. Steadily cutting out sugars is part of week one. Realistically I can ditch the ice cream for soup now, home made in Thermomix.

What I am hoping to achieve by this sugar detox:
  1. Get rid of that hideous afternoon slump after lunch when I want a sweet treat. I give in, get a sugar high, then slump again.
  2. Bloating, I look pregnant by most evenings and a bloated stomach is hell to practice yoga with, it hurts.
  3. I'm feeling podgy round the middle. Muffin top ahoy, I wish it gone. 
  4. My teeth do not need drenching in sugar which = decay. 
Forwards we go. I shall kick this habit. Who knows I might even be able to enjoy the odd sweet treat now and again so I can actually appreciate it.

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