Monday, February 25, 2013

New Seren post for Monday!

Happy Monday everyone. New post on Seren:

Don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook, your support is greatly appreciated to spread the knowledge of holistic lifestyles. Also keep checking into Seren's FB page as there will be some exciting 'likers' only giveaways coming later on... xx

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A fresh new start...

Good morning or evening depending on your time zone. Hope you are all keeping well?

I am very excited to be sharing with you the hot news that I have officially launched my new venture!! Starting today. It has been in the planning stages for quite a while but now is the time to get it off the ground and see how it grows. My life has done a full 180 in the past eight months, all for the best. I've never been happier and healthier. Hence I'd like to share what I've gathered and put into practice with you all. In a small hope that something you may read will help you or at least point you in a direction that is healthful.

If you have enjoyed reading my posts here, swing by my new site. Don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook too. Your supported is received with gratitude & much love.

So here we go.....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Travelling Yogini...

Happy New Year Sweaty Adventurers! Hope life is treating you well and you have your smiling happy faces on? Thought I'd drop by & say hi. The above is from my festive trip to SE Asia, us yogini's are such losers busting out yoga poses left, right & centre. Even more so as I finally have got my head on my knee after nearly 3 years. Slowly, slowly does it. 

A year into my teaching adventure and I'm finally 'getting it.' I heard the other day you don't ever fully get it but I'm happy with what I've got now. It was wonderful the day the dialogue was spilling out my mouth whilst my mind was totally focused on something else. (A student's alignment of course!! ;-)) "Oh this is what they mean when you get out of your own head." Love ah ha moments, there are so many. I have forged my own style which is forever evolving by bringing a little 'me' in - same song different voice type of thing. I've definitely mellowed out since I first started teaching. It's not about do or die. Nurture & respect yourself & your body, mind & soul will reward you ten fold.

In more exciting news I am very honoured to be part of a shiny new adventure or venture more like. It's staying wrapped up for now but it's not far off launching. So if you enjoyed reading my ramblings on here you might like to join me in the new place. It's more aligned with what I've been working on over the past eight months. I'm bursting to share but you'll just have to wait a little while longer. 

Until then, stay safe, happy & shine your light - you are brighter than you may think x